May 29, 2024
On a hot summer afternoon, the weather forecast calls for heavy thunderstorms. The treetops sway relentlessly in the wind. And CRAAAK! Lightning strikes the maple tree at the far end of the yard, a branch snaps and cuts the electrical wires. And BZZZT! Power failure. But for how long?
You're probably familiar with this scenario. You remain calm, because you've seen it all before. But what if the situation persists for more than an hour, a day or a few days? Are you ready to deal with it?
The Sutton Museum wants to help. The exhibition “Disaster! Are you ready?” addresses the roles and responsibilities of the authorities, but also and above all the art of being well prepared individually and as a family.
From June 16 to October 14, visit the Sutton Museum to learn tips and discover how to organize emergency response. On June 15, the museum will be open to members only for the exhibition opening.
The Museum is currently closed for the winter season, but we'll be back to welcome you in 2025 from June to October.
Get a head start by consulting the information on our page Visit Us to plan your visit to the Museum during summer 2025!