Exposition 2023 | Through the seasons : An exhibition to pick

June 23 - October 9 2023


The Sutton Museum presents an exhibition showcasing our fertile environment and what grows in our region. This event-exhibition is inspired by the beauty of the surrounding nature and will inspire decorative gardens and landscaping enthusiasts.

The exhibition setup is carried out with the valuable collaboration of Catherine Lalonde, the herbalist behind the company Sauvages & Cultivées. And since we are not the first to inhabit this beautiful region, we are collaborating with members of the Abenaki Nation to better highlight their presence in the area, as well as their extensive knowledge of plants.

Workshops and lectures will be presented by recognized regional experts: horticulture with Solange Duguay, natural fabric dyes with Marie-Christine Nadeau, paper made from plants with Anne-Marie Dupont, and mushroom foraging with Paul Dorion. A parent-child basket weaving workshop and a family discovery walk to the heart of the village of Sutton with Catherine Lalonde are also on the agenda.

Events related to the exhibition

September 16, 2023 | Discovery Day - Place aux Abénakis 

August to September | A series of 8 workshop-lectures for the whole family (see programming below)

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Logo de Sauvages et Cultivées, le commanditaire de l'exposition 2023

Opening hours:

The Museum is currently closed for the winter season, but we'll be back to welcome you in 2025 from June to October.

Get a head start by consulting the information on our page Visit Us to plan your visit to the Museum during summer 2025!

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